Journal of scattered thoughts - Uncensored !!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Geared Up!

Buying shield ? This is some stuff I've never had on before , and just wanted to see how I look in it . Got this captured just out of trial room , looked pretty good!

I show this to my other friends and ask me how I look in this new dress. They said they didnt believe it is me. But then , they never believed what I said. My mistake - must've avoided asking them first place.

After some serious effort on my part, one of them chose to agree ( guess, he got tired and made an intelligent decision) , and told me that I looked great in this new attire and should try it often.

He followed it up with a natural question - "It looked more like a war shield than a any regular wear. Why did you like this?" .

When did I tell him that I liked it ?

I'll be hitting Hyderabad in a couple of weeks to see my friend who'll be here for about a month. I know I've annoyed this dear friend of mine!

" What do you think it is ? I think it is Coffee." .,

I said " No, toffee! "

" Bhanu ., this is coffee "

" No. toffee ! " , retorted ., poor me., unaware of what's coming!

" All right , I know how to make you agree. Will be in India very soon. I dont like stabbing , but I like it with people who dont agree with me " - thundered my friend.

I felt a sudden fall in my body temperature .

I'm supposed to be brave !

" Just do a little warm up 'As seen on TV' and you'd be fine" I told myself.

As a proactive person - that I am , went around bangalore this weekend and bought this protective shield. Did put this on the shop owner and tried a few blows over him. He looked just fine. Guess I'd be fine too. Phew!

With the shield with me , kept shouting

"I'd fight for myself and fight for the dignity of human race!"

"All geared up ! Go for it! "


Alarm went off and I open my eyes to see it's 9.00 am Monday Morning.!

Rubbed my eyes and checked if the shield is still with me . Yes it is!

and by noon , I've got my tickets booked to Hyderabad!! Posted by Picasa


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